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Title: Field Code Library
Topic ID: 1239 Link to this page
Category: Australia-Pacific Support / Metric - Survey
Modified: 2021-04-21 Created: 2021-04-21
   Importing & reducing data for Survey. 

   If you are running Survey, all Carlson modules will be able to reduce these codes from the attached 'Australia
Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.fld', the codes are aimed at asconstruction but there are additional codes to do
detail & tree surveys.

   The attached guide gives instructions on how to set up Survey to use the codes.

   The system used here is layer base, which means that every code has it's own layer, to make isolating or turn
off/freezing a layer easier.

    An example of every code can be found in the 'Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.dwg' so that you can
change symbols etc in the .fld file before you start a job.

   The 'AsCon Layers (ADAC).dwg' can be inserted into your day jobs or overall job to help match layers.



Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.fld
Australia Asconstructed ADAC
AsConstructed codes into drawing.pdf
Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.dwg
Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.xlsx
Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.crd
Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes.csv
Australia Asconstructed layers for ADAC- Codes Table.txt
AsCon Layers (ADAC).dwg
