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Title: View Photos Which Are Associated with Points in the Desktop Software
Topic ID: 1195 Link to this page
Category: General
Modified: 2024-04-09 Created: 2020-09-09

When you have taken a picture, associated with a point, in SurvPC; the program creates a folder in the SurvPCData directory. The folder will be named to match your job's name.

For example:

A job named Smith, will have a photo folder named Pictures_Smith.

You will need to use Windows Mobile Device Center to copy the folder to your PC.

Then, you must save it in the same location as your job CRD file.

For example:

If you save your Smith.CRD into the C:\Carlson Projects folder; you will need to copy the Pictures_Smith in the same location.

Now that all of your job data has been copied to your PC, you can open the CRD with which you want to work. Go to the Survey drop-down and select Draw Field to Finish. Field-to-Finish will also automatically create the photo links for SurvPC photos. The program looks for the photo database from SurvPC which should have the same name as the coordinate file with an extension of .phdb.


