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Title: Ways To Trigger The Network License Manager For A License File
Topic ID: 780 Link to this page
Category: Network Licenses and Software
Modified: 2013-01-02 Created: 2013-01-02
Simply starting the Carlson program on a workstation will not trigger the request for a license file.  A series of
commands must be run within the program before a request is sent out to the server.
A faster way to trigger a response from the license manager is to click on one of the Carlson menu icons found in the
Carlson Menus toolbar of the Carlson program.  
Each of these icons will send a request for the specific module it is associated with.  Keep in mind that only the
modules installed will trigger a request.

When a license has been obtained from the server, a message similar to "License of SCAD_2007_SURVEY granted
successfully" will appear on the command line of the program.

Attached below is a document containing images of each of the icons found in the Carlson Menu Toolbar.



Ways To Trigger The Network License Manager For A License File.pdf
