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Title: Surveyor+ GPS pack - Rinex conversion
Topic ID: 750 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Surveyor / Surveyor+ GPS Pack
Modified: 2012-06-27 Created: 2012-06-27
This is in regards to using a Carlson Surveyor+ GPS pack and logging Static Files of anything from 15 minutes on up to 2
hours or more on a single Point where you convert this file from SurvCE into RINEX and submit it to the NGS OPUS website
to get a coordinate solution for the occupied point.

Click the link below for a PDF version that includes screenshots:

Carlson GPS with

!!! PLEASE NOTE:  Carlson Software does not operate  the OPUS webpage or offer Technical Support for OPUS !!!

If you have questions on how OPUS works or if you need further support please click the link below:

OPUS Information Page

### Step #1) Create the Raw Static file in your data collector
To create the Raw Static data you would run SurvCE 2.52 or higher on a Surveyor+ which has an attached Carlson GPS pack
on the back.

a. Before logging raw static data please check your POWER settings:
  1) Exit out of SurvCE by tapping File / tap Exit / tap Yes
  2) Tap Start in the upper left / tap Settings / tap the System tab in the bottom left
  3) Scroll down and tap the Power Icon then tap the Advanced tab in the bottom left
  4) UNCHECK "Turn off device if not used for" under the "On battery power"
  5) CHECK the box under "On External Power" and set it for 30 minutes
  6) Then tap OK in the upper right to save your settings and tap X to return to the Today screen.

b.  To begin recording you would plumb up your GPS Antenna over a control point you want to solve and run SurvCE then go
into Survey / Log Raw and tap the "Start/Resume File" button.

c.  Fill out the File Name and set your GPS antenna height and Interval.  It is recommended to name this file with the
Point name of the control point you are occupying like JOB22_PN21 for a jobname of Job22 and a Point # 21.  Tap the
Green Check to begin recording the Raw Static file.

***Please Note: Its CRITICAL that you do not interrupt this recording process.  

You need to leave the data collector powered on and leave the GPS antenna plumbed up over the control point.  Do not
Exit SurvCE or change Jobs or use any Equip tab routines such as GPS Rover or GPS utilities until after you have
completed your recording and closed the file using the step below.

d.  At the end of your Static Recording session make sure you go into Survey / Log Raw and tap the "Close File" button
to safely close out your Static Log file.

For performing "Rapid Static," the NGS OPUS website requires files greater than 15 minutes but less than 2 hours.  If
you want to process it as a "Static" solution, you will need an occupation time greater than 2 hours and less than 48

### Step #2) Convert your raw *.LOG file to a Rinex format
After you've completed your Raw Static recording in the data collector you will need to copy the *.LOG file that we
created in step #1 to your computer {i.e. Job22_PN21.log}.  You can connect to your computer with a USB cable or use a
USB Flash Memory stick to transfer the file from the Surveyor+ into your laptop or desktop computer.

a. Click the link below to download the Novatel Convert 2.5 / 64bit install for Windows 10 which supports the OEM6
Surveyor+ GPS packs {it will fail if you have an older OEMV GPS pack}:

b. Double-click the "NovAtelConvert_2.5_Setup.exe" file to install Convert4

c.  After installing the Novatel "Convert 2.5.0" program into your computer you can double-click the new "Convert4" icon
on your desktop to run the free Novatel Conversion utility.

d. Drag and drop your *.LOG file into the left side "Input" box 

e. Change the top middle box from "Ascii" to "RINEX2.1"

h. Click the "Convert" button in the top left to generate RINEX files

### Step #3) Submit your Rinex file to the OPUS website for processing

a. Click the link below to go to the OPUS website:

NGS OPUS website

b. Fill out your email address

c. Click the "Choose File" button to set your Data File and browse to the folder where your *.LOG was originally copied
to in Step # 1c.  

d. Click on the *.15O Rinex File we created in Step # 2 to select it then click Open in the bottom right

e. Set your Antenna Type to the "Nov702GG" if you are using the GPS Antenna that came with your Surveyor+ GPS pack and
fill out your Antenna Height in meters

f. Click the appropriate button for "Upload to Rapid-Static" or "Upload to Static" based on the length of time you
occupied the point during your Raw Static session in Step #1

After your file is uploaded a summary page is displayed.  You should receive an email containing an NGS OPUS Solution



