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Title: Carlson Surveyor+ GPS Pack
Topic ID: 738 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Surveyor / Surveyor+ GPS Pack
Modified: 2012-04-18 Created: 2012-04-18
The Carlson Surveyor+ GPS System incorporates a high accuracy NovAtel RTK GPS receiver and an EDGE class wireless GSM
modem. This pack can be fitted on any Surveyor+ data collector. The system can operate by itself as a network rover
where a cellular signal and a web based reference network correction is available. It can also operate as a traditional
RTK rover with a GPS base receiver and a UHF radio system.

Click the link below for the Surveyor+ GPS Quick Start PDF document:

Carlson GPS Quick Start Guide

This guide will provide instructions for these steps to setup your new GPS Pack:
1) Set up a cellular service data account and receive a SIM card.
2) Install the SIM card in the cell modem, seal the card portal and Install GPS Pack on the handheld.
3) Install the 2nd battery pack and charge the system
4) Assemble the remaining System Components
5) Install SurvCE 2.62 or higher to complete the Configuration of the GPS pack and GSM cell modem

***Powering On and Off the equipment***
Before powering off the data collector:
  1) Tap the Equip tab then tap the "GPS Utilities" button
  2) Tap the "Network Disconnect" button
  3) When you are prompted to disconnect the modem tap "YES"
  4) Wait 10 or 15 seconds for it to say "Success" then tap the orange back arrow and power off the Surveyor+ at the
main menu of SurvCE where it shows the File / Equip / Survey tabs.

When you power on the Surveyor+ it will normally reconnect to the GPS and dial the internet and login to the Ntrip
server automatically without any extra steps as long your Equip / GPS Rover is still set for
"Carlson" as the manufacturer.

***Troubleshooting Tips***

1) Make sure the label on the top middle of the data collector has "Surveyor+" printed on it. If it only says "Surveyor"
in the yellow text the GPS pack module will not be supported and it will not function at all.

2) Go into Start / Settings / System tab in the bottom left = scroll down and double-tap "System Config". If the OS
Build Version is not 1.1.6 click the link below to update:

Operating System 1.1.6 Update

3) Verify that 2 battery packs are installed in the unit and tap the battery icon from the main
Windows Mobile screen in the upper right to verify that the batteries have sufficient charge levels.

4) Verify that all 4 screws to attach the Carlson GPS pack are finger tight (it should not require heavy
torque - just finger tight)

5) If your using a Surveyor+ and running OS 1.1.6 with 2 fully charged batteries and the equipment is still not
functioning properly follow the steps below to clear the Windows Registry of your data collector:
  a.) Exit SurvCE
  b.) Hold On_Off button for a few seconds
  c.) Tap the "Reset" button then immediately press and hold the "CTRL-ALT-R" keys on the keyboard
  d.) Continue holding the Ctrl-Alt-R keys down for about 5 or 10 seconds after you see the blue Surveyor+ splash
  e.) Release all the keys and follow the prompts for calibrating the touch screen and setting your time zone
  f.) After it boots back up to the Windows Mobile screen you need to Re-install SurvCE 2.62 or higher from the link

SurvCE Download Page



Surveyor+ GPS QuickStart Guide.pdf
