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Title: MC 5/2 Troubleshooting
Topic ID: 674 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / CGField Collectors
Modified: 2011-02-23 Created: 2011-02-23

1) Error running CG-Field. The software is on the two EPROM's that form drive D: and E:. They are combined into one
file. The data is on two RAM cards and requires power to keep the configuration. Changing batteries, or letting the MC5
lose all power can cause problems running CG-Field.

From the D: drive press the ENTER key. You will see how the drives are configured. Drive B: and C: should be joined as
FILES. If they are MEMORY do the following:

	Press ENTER to get back to the D: drive.
	Type "FORMAT B: 256" (the spaces between format, b: and 256 are necessary)
	When asked if you want to do it, select YES.

If the SURVEY.OPT file is not on the B: drive, the following will happen:
	The MC5 will re-boot but you will get a get_optn.c error.
	On the D: drive, use the arrow keys to highlight the SURVEY.OPT file.
	Press F2 for Copy
	Type "B:" for destination

	After the file is copied, highlight the AUTOEXEC.X file and press F5 to run it.

	Make sure the client goes through the SETTINGS. Everything has gone back to default values.


