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Title: Unable to run program on HP PalmTop
Topic ID: 50 Link to this page
Category: Legacy Products / SurvStar
Modified: 2002-09-18 Created: 2002-09-18
Symptoms: On a newly setup HP PalmTop unable to run SurvStar, get a message like "Unable to execute program". 

Type "mem" at command prompt. You have to have at least 400K (600K is much better) to run SurvStar. 

If you do not have enough there are two solutions.
  1. As documented in the manual (page 1-9): Hit "&..." key, Alt-A and T to terminate all other aplications. This puts you at command prompt and gives you maximum of memory. This is the best and the most reliable way to run SurvStar.
  2. You may be able to run SurvStar and other programs if you do the following:
    1. Hit &... key
    2. Enter Setup
    3. Hit F5 for System
    4. Alt-A for Advanced.
    5. Set Clipboard to 2
    6. Set Static to 0
    7. Set DOS to 400
    8. Press Enter.
    9. Your DOS prompt in Application Manager now has enough Memory to start SurvStar.

Note: The first solution is better since it leaves you with more memory for your data and it is prefered to use it instead of this one.


