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Title: Upgrading from 1.6x to SurvCE 2.0
Topic ID: 474 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE
Modified: 2007-08-15 Created: 2007-08-15
Below is a quick guide to finding common routines in 2.0 if you are a Current 1.6x or 1.5x Customer.

Old location in 1.6 or 1.5  = New Location in SurvCE 2.0
0) Text mode in Live routines = 
You can tap the Helmet icon in the Upper left to switch between Modes
Or the ALT-Y keyboard shorcut to switch between Text and Graph Mode

1) Cogo / Process Raw File    = File / Raw Data

2) File / Configure Reading   = Equip / Configure

3) Equip / Comm Setup       =  Inside one of the top 3 Choices in Equip tab
(i.e. - Equip / "Total Station" / Comms  = same for GPS Base or GPS Rover)

4) Equip / Settings   =   Equip / "Total Station" / Settings

5) File / Job Settings / Units  =  File / Job Settings / System and Format

6) File / Job Settings / GPS   =  Equip / Localization / System, TS, GPS
(This is where you set your Geoid and Projection)

7) Saving Instrument Profile with Icon in Upper Right = Saving and Loading Instrument profiles has been moved inside one
of the top 3 choices in the Equip tab: Total Station, GPS Base and GPS Rover

Two Major 2.0 Features
1) Equip / Configure / Prompt for Total Station Setup = Check the box if you'd like it to act like 1.6x

2) Equip / Configure / 3D Mode = Uncheck this for using 2D mode with Total stations

Other 2.0 features to checkout:
   Equip / Check Level
   Survey / Leveling
   Map / Tools / Surface / Volume
   Map / Tools / Place World Image


