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Title: DXF file from SurvCE, which contains space characters in the Layer Names or have Layer Names which have a name length greater than 31 characters, not loading in AutoCAD 2000 or greater.
Topic ID: 351 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE
Modified: 2005-11-09 Created: 2005-11-09
SurvCE saves automatically the DXF files as R12 AutoCAD DXF for compatibility with any other non-AutoCAD products that
could use it.

To correct the problem, the Layer Names, which contain space characters or have a name length greater than 31
characters, must be renamed.

The process of renaming the layers could be done manually following the next steps:
- Isolate the layer that causes the problem using the routine under MAP/VIEW/Isolate Layer.
- Create the replacement layer using the routine under MAP/VIEW/Layer.
- Set the newly created layer to be the Current Layer using the routine under MAP/VIEW/Layer.
- Move all the entities from the layer that contains space characters within the name into the newly create layer using
the routine under MAP/DRAW/Change Layer.
- Delete the layer that contains space characters within the name using the routine under MAP/VIEW/Layer.
The process of renaming the layers could be done automatically following the next steps:
- Download the file dxffix.exe.
- Run the program dxffix.exe, select the DXF file that fails to open in AutoCAD, and using the default settings press
“Run DXFFix” button.

The routine will always create a copy of the processed file as bak for safety reasons. The fixed DXF file will have the
same name as the original file.


DXF Fix Link:


