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Title: Error when trying to start-up: missing ac1st15.dll or ac1st16.dll
Topic ID: 237 Link to this page
Category: Carlson Survey
Modified: 2004-01-28 Created: 2004-01-28
SYMPTOM: When trying to run the program the message comes up saying that file ac1st15.dll or ac1st16.dll is missing.

CAUSE: Autodesk is relying on PATH environment variable to find its C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared folder
where a lot of important files are located. Sometimes this variable is not set right or has too much data to hold.


This only applies to Window 9X and ME:

On Windows 9X:

1. Click Start->Run, type msconfig, click OK
2. Click on AUTOEXEC.BAT tab.
3. Find a line which says SET PATH= and has a "on" toggle in front of it. (There might be more than one of these lines
which each consecutive line having %PATH% with semi-colons to add previous value in).
4. Modify the top PATH= line as the following (make inserted text exactly as show here):

SET PATH=[Some text you have]

modify to look like:
SET PATH=C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\AUTODE~1;[Same text as before]

We inserted C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\AUTODE~1; after '=' sign.

We are using an abbreviated notation to shorten the path length and making sure that this is a first path searched. 

5. Click ok and reboot computer when instructed. 


