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Title: Creating C&G profile to separate from SurvCADD
Topic ID: 213 Link to this page
Category: Carlson Survey / C&G / CGSurvey for AutoCAD
Modified: 2024-04-09 Created: 2003-08-27

Different products running under AutoCAD can employ AutoCAD's profiles to create proper product environments and to minimize interference with other products.

When installed on the same machine as SurvCADD (CES or XML), C&G will cause SurvCADD to malfunction. Problem is caused by the fact that AutoCAD remembers last profile used (most Likely SurvCADD) and uses it when you start C&G after using SurvCADD. As result you end up in a mixed environment which is not proper for SurvCADD's operation.

To eliminate this problem C&G needs to run under its own profile. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Start C&G.
  2. Go to Preferences, Select Profiles Tab.
  3. Add a new C&G profile, call it CG.
  4. Click OK to close Preferences.
  5. Close AutoCAD.
  6. Highlight C&G icon, right-click go to Preferences.
  7. Go to the end of Target field and add the following: /p CG.
  8. Start C&G again.
  9. type Menu and select Autocad's menu in Support sub-folder of AutoCAD's installation folder.
  10. Go to Preferences, Select Files, Support Search Path. Validate path listing - it should only include AutoCAD's folders.
  11. Restart C&G.



