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Title: Creating a Grid of Points over an Existing Surface
Topic ID: 1296 Link to this page
Category: Australia-Pacific Support / Metric - Survey
Modified: 2022-02-02 Created: 2022-02-02
To create a grid of Carlson points over an existing surface in Carlson Survey (with AutoCAD, IntelliCAD or OEM), follow
these steps:

  1.  Create a surface from the surveyed points
  2.  On the longest side, ensure you have a polyline (on it's own, not joined)
  3.  Surface > Spot elevations > Draw Spot Elevations. Use the settings shown below
  4.  Click OK then choose the surface created in 1
  5.  Click on the longest side PL
  6.  Enter in the space between points
  7.  Enter in Number of Left (or right) offsets. i.e. if you had a space of 100m wide and wanted a row every 5m, enter
in 20
  8.  Enter in the space between points (normally the same value entered in Step 6)
  9.  Leave the rest at 0 (if you're using Left offsets)

This will create a grid of Carlson points that will interpolate the elevation from the selected surface file.


