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Title: Blocks
Topic ID: 1280 Link to this page
Category: Australia-Pacific Support / Tips & Tricks for Carlson Software
Modified: 2021-10-13 Created: 2021-10-13
 Blocks are compound objects that are commonly used for symbols, parts, detail views, and title blocks. A block is one
or more objects combined to create a single object. 
 Using blocks provides the following advantages:
   1.You can ensure uniformity between identical copies of furniture, fixtures, parts, symbols, and title blocks in
   2.You can insert, rotate, scale, move, and copy blocks much faster than operating on selections of individual
geometric objects.
   3.If you edit or redefine a block definition, all block references in that drawing are updated automatically.
   4.You can include data such as part numbers, costs, service dates, and performance values to blocks. The data is
stored in special objects called block attributes.
   5.You can reduce the file size of a drawing by inserting multiple block references instead of duplicating object

 Tip: With online access, you can download CAD drawing files from the web sites of commercial vendors and suppliers.
This option can save you a significant amount of time, but check to make sure that these drawings are drawn correctly
and to scale.

  A Block can be created by typing block into the command line or by using Make Block or Create Block (depending which
Carlson is being used) from the toolbar.
 A Block can be edited by typing Bedit into the command line or by using the Bedit icon.
 Tip: Blocks can be made from several other Blocks so when exploding it may take several attempts to get back to
individual objects.


