If you find that you are no longer able to sync your data collector with your PC following a recent Windows 10 update, please try the steps below:
- Right-click on the link below and click "Save Target As" or "Save as" and save the file below to your computer: WMDC-fixes-for-Win10.msi
- After the file is downloaded, right-click on the "WMDC-fixes-for-Win10.msi" file and left-click "Run Administrator"
- Follow the prompts to install the patch then reboot Windows 10 after its finished installing
- After Windows 10 reboots, try running Windows Mobile Device Center to see if it is working properly now.
For more information, please see the data collector manufacturer's support article:
Juniper Systems - WMDC in Windows 10
Note: If you are installing Windows Mobile Device Center for the first time in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and getting an error saying you are missing the necessary DLL files you can use the steps in the PDF document below: