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Title: Redefining a Block Already in a Drawing
Topic ID: 911 Link to this page
Category: IntelliCAD
Modified: 2015-06-24 Created: 2015-06-24
To redefine a block in the current drawing with one found on your computer, perform the following:
  1. From the Draw menu, choose Insert.
  2. Enable the From File toggle and click the Browse button.
  3. In the File Name control of the Insert Block dialog box, key-in %AppData% and click Open:
    Insert Block
  4. Locate the Carlson Software folder and "drill-down" to the desired SUP folder.
  5. Locate the desired/updated block and then press Enter.
  6. Upon attempting to insert the block into the current drawing, choose Yes-Redefine Block.
  7. Specify the insertion point for the block.
The block is immediately redefined, and all instances of the block in the drawing are updated.



