Knowledge Base

Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / International Grid Projections
Topic ID: 757
Title: Estonia Geoid 2003-2010
Created: 2012-08-08Last modified: 2012-08-08
The attached geoid files are relatively small and can be loaded directly into SurvCE

1) Scroll to the bottom of the page and save the attached file to your desktop computer {EstoniaGeoid 2003-2010.gsf}

2) Copy the file "EstoniaGeoid 2003-2010.gsf" into the Data folder on your Data Collector where your jobs are stored (for example: "\SystemCF\Data\", "\C_Drive\Data\" or "\Program Files\SurvCE\Data\")

3) In SurvCE on the data collector tap the Equip tab / tap Localization / tap the GPS tab = tap the "Geoid File" button and select "EstoniaGeoid 2003-2010.gsf" file / tap the Green Check

4) After setting the Geoid file tap the Green Checkbox in the upper right to save your changes in Localization and apply the new geoid
EstoniaGeoid 2003-2010.gsf