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Title: Windows 10 graphics issues (Cannot start or initialization issues)
Topic ID: 1217 Link to this page
Category: IntelliCAD
Modified: 2021-01-27 Created: 2021-01-27
One of updates of Windows 10 brought up new video driver control behavior. It may cause various issues. Such as:
* Carlson cannot start at all
* New drawing cannot be created or opened (Start Page is loaded ok)
* Following error message is displayed: "Proper GS device is not found or it can't be initialized properly. Check that
opengl is supported by your graphics card and drivers up to date."
* Graphics mode cannot be set to anything higher than Basic.
* Following error message is displayed: "Load Library Failed Error 126: The specified module cannot be found."
* Following error message is displayed: "System error loading ... #87" or number could be different

Here is the possible solution:
1. First of all, please update you video driver from Nvidia or AMD site depending on your video
card make. Please don't update it thru Windows Update or computer vendor's site.
2. Please make sure that at least one physical display is connected to your dedicated (not integrated) video card.
2.1. In case of DisplayLink please make sure that at least one cable from it is connected to the video card. However in
some cases DisplayLink still may cause issues unfortunately. Please update it's driver too.
3. Please make sure that the display connected to the dedicated video card is set to be "main". Here is a guide.
4. Please enable graphics acceleration in Windows.
5. Please disable integrated
video card if you have more than one video card


Nvidia drivers:
AMD drivers:
DisplayLink drivers:
Enable graphics acceleration:
Disable integrated video card:

