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Title: IntelliCAD Troubleshooting Guide
Topic ID: 1078 Link to this page
Category: IntelliCAD
Modified: 2018-07-04 Created: 2018-07-04

IntelliCAD Troubleshooting Suggestions

This article is intended to help you troubleshoot issues by yourself. It collects some typical issues and ways to handle them.


General INTELLICAD troubleshooting steps:

  1. set following system variables and check if it helps (type the name of variable, enter, type its value, enter):
    • HWACCELERATION set to 0 (zero); if that doesn't work, try 2. If that doesn't work, set it back to 0.
    • RTDISPLAY set it OFF
    • FASTIMAGEDRAW set to 0 (zero)
  2. Crashes may be solved by setting following variables:
    • DOTNETENABLED set to 0 (zero)
    • SAVETHUMBNAILS set to 0
  3. INTELLICAD performance may be improved by turning off line types generation by setting:

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